Having Detox? Try detoxifying Baths!

Salt Bath Tip:

Once the toxins are stirred up, it’s good to get them out. One way to help is with a hot bath using real sea salt (not Epsom salts, which will not help in this way).The formula: Two cups of real sea salt; hot, but not too hot (102 to 104 degrees F; 39-40 degrees Celsius) water to cover most of the body; stay in it for 15 to 18 minutes. This can be taken every few days if you wish.


We always feel better right away after one of these as they draw the poisons right out through the skin.

Real sea salt also charges your body with minerals and sea trace elements -lots of health benefits! We get our salt in bulk from here: realsalt.com (we are not affiliated). We like the powdered salt 25 pound bag’s price -works great for baths! You may find sea salt in smaller bags at your local grocery or health food store.

Ginger Bath Tip:

While a sea salt bath pulls toxins out through the skin, a ginger bath moves the toxins out by moving them through the body first and then out. To make a hot ginger bath take fresh ginger root (about the size of a fist or larger -available at most grocery stores), slice them thin as coins and simmer in 2 or 3 quarts of water for 30 minutes.Fill your tub with hot, but not too hot (102 to 104 degrees F; 39-40 degrees Celsius) water to cover most of the body; pour the ginger tea through a strainer and stay in your tub for 15 to 18 minutes. This can be taken every few days if you wish. This bath is a bit stronger than the sea salt bath for detoxifying the body.

While going through any type of detox, whenever we felt too bad we would take one of these baths and felt better almost immediately. 


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