ThreeLac™ Probiotic Candida Treatment
ThreeLac™ comes in powdery form, 60 foil packets to a box.
ThreeLac Probiotic
The World-wide Success of ThreeLac™
From our correspondence with thousands of people since 2002 we have come to believe GHT's Program is effective for more than 96% of people. Over a million very happy people from New York to California and Canada to Texas to Australia, testify to the success of our ThreeLac™ Candida program.
As many as 8 of 10 people in Industrial countries have Candida overgrowth and symptoms.
ThreeLac™ probiotic Candida Treatment
We serve many health-care providers who make these unique and natural formulas available in their clinics for patients with fungal yeast problems.
Take Your ThreeLac™ -Feel the Difference
For those of you who have studied and practiced the Candida diet and antifungals, we know it is hard to believe there might be a simpler and less expensive way to beat it, but help has finally come.It comes in a simple cardboard container filled with 60 silvery foil packets. Simply pour this slightly sweet, lemony tasting powder into your mouth, follow with a little water, and Take Back Your Health and Your Life!Over time Candida will show up in more and more places in the body and will only get worse. The sooner you start to fight Candida, the better.
Check out our links. Our site is filled with Candida info.
Our Candida Treatment / Why buy Threelac from Us? / ThreeLac Single Retail
Emails from years of Happy Customers
Similar to Threelac in most ways Fivelac adds two additional strains of probiotic and is formulated with other new ingredients.We recommend you take Fivelac only after using a few boxes of ThreeLac™ first. Feel free to contact us for more information.
ThreeLac™ Best Buy TODAY! 10-15% OFF and FREE SHIPPING
When we started this company back in 2002, there was a reason we chose the name "Candida Support". After we healed ourselves of Candida yeast overgrowth and regained balanced health by using ThreeLac™, we knew it would be important for us to offer support and guidance to others through this often tricky process.We went through some confusing and contradictory experiences during the initial few months on Global Health Trax's ThreeLac™ and FiveLac™ and learned through trial and error how best to use them - and there are wrong ways to use them! In fact, at one point, we almost stopped because we were misinterpreting our healing process. But we continued. And out of all this experience came our Candida Recovery Guide™ which we created for all those who would begin this healing process so they could have the best chance of success.You know how tough Candida is to beat. You've probably tried many products already and maybe even the Candida Diet! It's all so difficult because the Candida yeast cell is a trickster and has ways of “fooling" you when it is attacked.
Don't buy a bottle of pills and expect to get better!
If you don't do this right you will waste your money and even worse - Your Time! Get Healthy, Starting Now!
ThreeLac™ and Candizolv™, from the Most Experienced Guides!
When ThreeLac™ first came to the United States, we were some of the first customers. As original "guinea pigs" who used the product, we were so impressed with the results that we decided to sell it. From the start, our mission statement included (and still does) supporting our customers in their healing process. A purchase with Candida brings you our exclusive and unique Candida Recovery Guide™.
Your best chance of success is to have the support of people who have gone through this healing process and documented it. This guidance will make your healing easier and faster -which means you spend less!
Candida is tricky!
ThreeLac™ and Candizolv™ are the world's most Advanced Candida Products:
1 > We guide you first with our Candida Recovery Guide™.
2 > We guide you in your healing by answering your questions whenever you need help along the way.
3 > With this experienced help you will get the maximum benefit from taking ThreeLac™ and Candizolv™.
Candida Support is the largest seller of GHT (Global Health Trax's) products and most experienced Candida guides on the internet!
Lowest ThreeLac™/FiveLac™ Prices!
Exclusive Sellers of New Candizolv™ - Only Here!
What kind of Support do you receive from us?
We are with you, All the Way!
You receive our exclusive Candida Recovery Guide™ (offered through us at Candida Support -not through the manufacturer -GHT, or anyone else). Our Candida Recovery Guide™ was compiled after years of our own experiences and also from helping thousands of our customers through their recovery process since we began this site way back in 2002. We've learned what to expect using GHT's ThreeLac™ programs at the beginning of treatment, in the middle period, and over the long term.
We make our Candida Recovery Guide™ available to you immediately via the Internet so you can begin preparing yourself for the treatment program speeding its way to your door.
In the Candida Recovery Guide™ you will discover:
how to best use the products
what you can expect to happen during the healing period
and also what NOT to do that could ruin your recovery just as you are about to get "over the hump".
We offer only premium GHT Candida formulas - the World's Best.
We are here every day, even weekends, to answer your questions.
Read what real people think of our support
Candida Complete™, the Ultimate Candida One-Two Punch!
Our Support is always Free!
Purchasing ThreeLac™ here makes you a member of Candida and you can start using our Candida Recovery Guide™ immediately online. (here is where a big company could say "it's a $300 value" - we simply want to fully support you and empower you to Take Back Your Life! We couldn't do it any other way.)
Your healing gets less expensive as you go!
Once your symptoms are gone you need only small therapeutic dosages to keep Candida overgrowth from ever returning! Initial healing takes between 5 and 7 months depending on your Candida Severity test.
We guide you from the beginning right through to the maintenance doses.
60 day money back guarantee on "The Best Candida Program at any Price!"
10%- 15% OFF NOW and FREE SHIPPING!!!
FREE SHIPPING* on all orders containing Candizolv (*orders shipped within the US). Non-autoship orders will be charged the retail price.
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Candida Support has helped more people get well than any other sellers of ThreeLac™ and FiveLac™.
“I am glad I went through your website! I was not very sure about this whole thing, but then I talked to a friend of mine who’s been on it for over a month, and she recommended you guys, and I’m glad I took her advice.”
“Just had to write and say , Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! I have been on ThreeLac for about a month and a half now and feel like a new woman!!! God Bless you. As I am writing this letter I am on the verge of tears, I am so grateful for your help. I am 54 years old and I was feeling like I was 84.”
“I want to thank you sincerely for responding so quickly and thoroughly to my inquiry. I’ve had a good feeling about you and your site and the GHT products from the beginning and it is so nice to know that there really are caring, knowledgeable people and effective treatment options available. Thank you again.”
“Thank you very much for being so helpful and supportive and for all that you do. Gratefully”
“Obviously, you are there for your customers.”
Read what hundreds think of our support
We Can help You, too! The decision you are about to make is one that will have an impact on your health for the rest of your life!
Candida Support Since 2002!
Our intention is to have the most complete and knowledgeable Candida resource on the Internet. Our information is based on trial and error and real life solutions. Since we began this website, we have continually tested other and new Candida products from around the world - to make sure we are offering our customers the best Candida fighters possible. GHT products win every time. We offer you what we know works!
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Candida Complete™, the Ultimate Candida One-Two Punch!
We look forward to helping you take back your life!
We wish you health and healing,
Marti & Jim White
* Disclaimer:
Results may vary, person to person.
Please be aware that we are not licensed doctors, nurses, nutritional consultants or health care professionals. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.