A quick synopsis of our two products for Candida. The One-Two Punch!
The magic of Candizolv™ as an anti-Candida weapon for the Candida in your System
The Truth of What It Takes to Control Candida
What's the Difference Between ThreeLac™, FiveLac™, & SevenLac™?
Video Demo: How to Take ThreeLac™
Which Candida Treatment Program is Right for You?
Confessions of a Candida Relapser
The wonder of ThreeLac™ as an anti-Candida weapon for the gut
The Doctor-Written Candida test to show you what level of Candida you have in Your Body.
My story of finding ThreeLac™ in 2002. What it can also do for You!
The Two Mistakes that derail those who wish to Control their Candida! Don’t Make Them!
It’s Time You Knew the Truth of the Candida Diet!
Live Q&A with Jim
The Probiotic Beneficial Yeast mentioned in the video is Saccharomyces boulardii.
Here’s a good link to buy it at the best place I’ve found.
Do You Know How Bad YOUR Candida is?
How Deeply Has It Infested Your Body?
Your Best Treatment Starts With
Knowing Your Personal Level of Candida
Our Test is a Guide to Find Which Program You Should Order!
Take our Free doctor-written test to help you determine just what level of Candida infestation you have.