Untreated Candida Can Increase Stress. Here's What You Can Do.

We know that stress is one of the factors that can set you up for or worsen Candida. But Candida can also increase stress.


There are a lot of things to worry about in the Big Wide World, these days — never mind the stress of work, family hassles, relationships, kids.

It probably isn’t surprising that people are feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and even hopeless.

Candida can:

  • Drain your energy and make you feel exhausted.

  • Cause pain in the joints and other areas of the body

  • Create itchy skin rashes (and an unrelenting desire to scratch — ugghh!)

  • Create “brain fog,” affecting your thinking and even your emotions.

  • Contribute to depression, which decreases energy and motivation, ultimately increasing stress.

  • Increase your craving for sweets (not the best stress-fighting food).

  • Attack the gut, which contains more than 60 percent of the immune system. This means that you can get sick more easily.

All these factors add to the stress you may already be experiencing. And, stress tends to skew your pH levels, make your breathing more shallow (less Candida-busting oxygen!), create a desire for alcohol and sugar (which “feed” Candida) — creating a vicious cycle!

So, what can you do?

Start by addressing your Candida. We can help.

Click Here to learn about our Candida treatments

Then, once you are working to manage your Candida Yeast Overgrowth, here are some other stress-busting techniques:

Exercise. Our bodies were not made to sit at a desk for 8 hours+ each day. Find things you enjoy doing that get you moving. Park your car further away from work or the grocery store. Walk your dog. Dance. Set a timer on your computer that reminds you to look into the distance for a few seconds every 20 minutes, to stand and walk around every hour. Moving will help you “unplug” from the overwhelm and shake off that stress.

Unplug – literally! Take a break from info-overload: work emails, Facebook, Twitter, newsfeeds — even social updates and cute kitten videos. Take a break and let your mind rest.

Meditate, pray, take a walk in the woods, watch the ocean waves, turn off your phone (YES!),take some deep breaths, sit in silence for a few minutes petting your cat — whatever works for you to calm down and recharge.

Eat well — and it’s not just what you eat — it’s how you eat! When at all possible, try to view food as a delightful and nourishing experience, rather than a quick fuel-stop. Look at your food, smell it, taste it and notice the texture. Chew slowly, engaging your parasympathetic nervous system. All this may seem like some kind of Zen exercise, but it not only increases your body’s ability to absorb nutrients, but also lessens stress!

Laugh! Laughter lightens your load, increases oxygen, and actually changes neurotransmitters in the brain.

Spend time with friends and family who “nourish” you.

May our Candida-fighting advice help you to be stress-less, my friend!



Candida Treatment Support: How to Choose a Functional Medicine Practitioner


How to Give Up Sugar and Reduce Candida Symptoms (Part 2)